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Implementation of Deep Learning unit tests, as well as paths to the 2d data for windows users in the UNet jupyter notebook.

s184364 requested to merge DL_unittests into main

Unit tests have been implemented for classes and functions that relate to Deep Learning tasks such as defining Models, Hyperparameters, Datasets / Dataloaders, as well as the training process.

The process is documented in the following notion file:

the following scripts have been made under qim3d/tests/:

  • models/ (unit tests for UNet() and Hyperparameters())
  • utils/ (unit tests for Augmentations() and ValueErrors)
  • utils/ (unit tests for Dataset() class, resizing of images with crop, padding, prepare_datasets() and prepare_dataloaders())
  • utils/ (unit tests for output of model_summary() and inference())


  • Some deep learning tests require considerably more time to run (around 15s to 20s) especially when a Dataloader is involved. This is the case for prepare_dataloaders() as well as the model_summary(). Should they still be included?
  • I couldn't think of a way to test the train_model() function, since that requires training a DL model, and would also take too much time.
Edited by s184364

Merge request reports