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This project contains code for the AAAI Workshop paper "Probability trees and the value of a single intervention"
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lenhy / Graph representation learning - project
MIT LicenseProject for the Graph representation learning summer school (02901 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning course) at the Technical University of Denmark in August 2022.
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copy of the pyminifier project with very minor fixes. done to have a version compatible with unitgrade and python 3.9+. project will be removed if no longer needed as dependency.
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Matlab GUI developed for annotating hyperreflective foci in a set of OCT images.
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manli / backboned-unet
MIT LicenseUpdated -
The python code used for the numerical examples in the paper "Reconstructing anisotropic conductivities on two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds from power densities". A preprint of this paper is available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12056.
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The python code used for the numerical examples in the paper "Conductivity reconstruction from power density data in limited view". A preprint of this paper is available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12370.
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The python code used for the numerical examples in the paper "Jacobian of solutions to the conductivity equation in limited view". A preprint of this paper is available on arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.03849.
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This is a zip comppres .ova file. It is an image of pre-configured Kali Linux machine used in realtion to the Cyber security roadshow - Hands on hacking developed by Andreas Breum and Christian Skou Pedersen.
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This repository contains the code for the paper "Reinforcement learning of causal variables using mediation analysis" as accepted for AAAI-22.
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Code that demonstrates the proposed TMB and Kalman filter as shown in LINK