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Tetra Pak laminar material which are bent in different degrees, 45, 90 and 180.
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CUSF / cusf
MIT LicenseCUSF is a math library written in CUDA that provides a subset of mathematical special functions
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Matlab GUI developed for annotating hyperreflective foci in a set of OCT images.
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lutobi / MLSP2019_Software_Package
MIT LicenseUpdated -
manli / mmdetection3d
Apache License 2.0OpenMMLab's next-generation platform for general 3D object detection.
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This project contains code for the AAAI Workshop paper "Probability trees and the value of a single intervention"
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The python code used for the numerical examples in the paper "Reconstructing anisotropic conductivities on two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds from power densities". A preprint of this paper is available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12056.
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QIM / Tools / Skeleton based thickness
MIT LicenseQuantification of local thickness from skeleton.
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patmjen / structure-tensor
MIT LicenseA small MATLAB package for 3D structure tensor computation on the GPU.
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